Friday, February 14, 2020

Choose any topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Choose any topic - Essay Example For two past consequetive weekends he had been held up and had not been able to travel and see his family. He missed his daughter Lynn who was turning twelve the next day . John had every reason to be home with his family. His wife at home had left work earlier and arrived at home, instructed the househelp on the chores she needed done. When Lynn’s father called to inform her of his inability to be with them over the weekend, she had been jovial taking it as an opportunity to mingle with her friends at a Friday party. She had hurriedly rushed to the shower and dressed her best. Her friend Nadia had come pick her up. She had departed telling her maid she had was going back to work to finish some pending tasks. Jane had preferred working from her office given the ample atmosphere it gave her than at her home office in which Lynn could come nugging her for little odds and ends. Had Jane known what was laying ahead for her, she would not have made such a blunder. Jane and Nadia st omped into the red saloon car and driven off to a club where Nadia had planned to introduce her to this tall handsome guy. Around 10.00 p.m., John had hastily arrived at the bus station, managed to get the last bus headed to his home town. His attempts to call Jane had been futile since she had switched off her cell phone. John mysteriously found himself on sit number thirteen. An odd number indeed. He had thought superstitiously to himself. The bus went at breakneck speed, but still John found it too slow. He knew he would reach his home town around midnight and he dreaded robbery that was frequent due to insecurity of the town. He wondered how he still felt so bad about his seat number. He could have changed the seat, but had brushed off the idea as baseless mere superstitious thoughts that would reflect awkwardly off him. John slept intermittently along the way. He had reveries of sweet dreams that alternated with nightmares. At a point he had woken up with a jolt, shaking and

Saturday, February 1, 2020

A critical analysis of marketing strategy in the UK financial services Essay

A critical analysis of marketing strategy in the UK financial services sector. An empirical study - Essay Example According to Lazer (1971:209), â€Å"Given good intelligence, executives should eventually be able to scan markets, call for additional information through consoles, assess marketing alternatives more adequately, and adjust to dynamic market condition more readily†. It then requires that marketing strategies are structured to come abreast with the vicissitude of the time, for it to be successful and effective. THE United Kingdom financial services sector have in recent times adopted marketing strategies that are aligned with the information technology driven age. The conducting of business are embarked through e-marketing and to a great extent the UK financial institutions have adopted strategic alliance as an option of jointly pulling of their resources with organizations that share the same business orientation and prospects with them. â€Å"Markets face daunting challenges in an increasingly complex markets place. Market research information technologies have provided new tools to guide marketing resource allocation, but these technologies have added complexity to the marketer’s worldview. Compounding the challenge is the range of stakeholders that must be addressed: prospects, customers, shareholders, channels partners, market alliance partners, and vendors† (Cook & Talluri, 2005:244). In recent years the spate of strategic alliance in UK financial institutions are on the increase. According to Gup & Marino (2003), the United Kingdom financial institution recorded 401 alliances in Europe. Almost half of these strategies alliances occurred in 1998 and 1999. As a substitute to outright merger financial institution have prefer strategic alliance. In the same view, Proctor (2000), argues that the 21st century is seeing the development of strategic alliances and networks where firms work together towards shared goals and collaborate in their operations. The financial services sector plays a significant