Wednesday, July 15, 2020

National Honor Society Scholarships Essay

National Honor Society Scholarships Essay The National Honor Society is an American organization with chapters in high schools in all 50 states, several U.S. territories, and Canada. The National Honor Society was established in 1921 as an organization that would recognize and foster academic achievement while developing other characteristics essential to citizens in a democracy. Through this activity, the society supports and recommends the use of a multi-faceted definition of character known as the “Six Pillars of Character.” A person of character demonstrates the following six qualities: respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Schools are encouraged to take this model, modify it to meet their local needs, and utilize it frequently in the work of their chapter (therefore you may encounter with such variations of it as national junior honor society or national technical honor society). According to the National Honor Society Constitution, the purpose of this organization shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, and to develop character in the students of secondary schools. National honor society application process and requirements More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. NHS of leadership and success pomotes and provides leadership development opportunities to prepare and empower students to serve their schools and communities. Membership in NHS is both an honor and an obligation. The application part consists of several steps to complete: The first part of the application process students select five separate criteria points for leadership and provide with specific examples as to how they have met each of the criteria points. At least four of the five examples must come from the school setting, and no more than one example can come from outside the school setting. This information should be documented in the application materials proving that the criteria have been met in each chosen area. As the second part of application process goes next, the candidates will be asked to write a short essay to define their character criteria. Writing an essay even though may seem challenging is a substantial part of everyday student life. The biggest problem students usually struggle with is finding research paper topic. The main difficulty is that topic is the most important element of the whole essay for your application process. The success of your paper depends on the topic for 90% and the last 20% is for structuring and formatting it. Thus, there are few of good practices on how to write a good application essay. Treat writing an essay as an opportunity, not a burden. Use it to tell us a part of your story, add few examples that presents some situations or events happen in your life which helped you to get stronger, build up your personality and played crucial part in your personal development. If youre recounting an event, take it beyond the chronological storytelling. Include some opinion and don’t try to add as much event as you can remember. Be short: tackling too much tends to make your essay too watered down or disjointed. Don’t be afraid to reveal yourself in your writing and be comfortable showing your vulnerability. The essay is called to show who you are and how you think. Thus, try to write thoughtfully and with authenticity. Show that you are the one who believes in what you are saying versus the one who is simply saying what others want to hear. Make sure your thesis is clear to you and to the reader, It should indicate where youre going and what youre trying to communicate. Proofread your essay and get the feedback on it. But keep in mind to limit the number of people who review your essay as too much input could bring it to the point where your voice is lost in the writing. The third part of application process states that the student has met the service criteria needed to enter the society by completing community work. Each school provides different hours to meet, but in average it is around 20 hours. Once candidate is selected, members have the responsibility of continuing to demonstrate the qualities of superior scholarship, community service, responsible leadership, and character. After completing the selection process, the Faculty Council to the NHS chapter recommends ceremony where they promise to uphold the four ideals of the Honor Society-Scholarship, Leadership, Service and Character. To sum up the above is it important to say that joining the ranks of the National Honor Society is a dream of every conscientious and ambitions student, and writing an entrance essay is an important step on the way to this goal. The essay must present achievements and aspirations of an applicant student in concise and compelling manner. Taking into the consideration the history of NHS, embodying its values and following the steps of the admission process, you will be well-prepared for it. Thus, our advice is to follow the hints for the application essay writing above and make a difference by your writing. After all, writing is a talent, you may be an excellent student yet need a little assistance in putting your deeds into accurate wording. In order to create a good story of your academic perseverance and community activities and become a part of the NHS community, you have to have a strong and powerful essay to reveal who you really are and don’t forget to participate in volunteer activities, apply for college scholarships and you will be the perfect candidate to be considered to join NHS organization.