Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on International Families

Essay on International Families Essay on International Families Introduction The family structure on an international basis comes from the diverse nature of the world. This is basic even in the simple family structure. The status, â€Å"nuclear family† does not give sense to our society as it once did. The change in the mode of family diverts to single parents as single parents raise more children. The growth of diverse families in terms of religion, race and ethnicity increases with globalization. The differences are common in the life of children, making it a comfort issue in the making of unique family decisions. Families are different, making it difficult to link the similarities and differences. Children are likely to compare their family situations with others making it viable for them to get lessons on appreciation. Comparison on international families International families consists of traditional and the modern family. To analyze this understanding, we look at the family in terms of sociology. International families come in different sizes and family types. The modern family is smaller but uses independence to ensure continuity and growth in the family. The traditional family protects its members by using obedience and bringing the family together. The modern family displays as a nuclear family comprising of a father, mother and children. The average number of children may be one or two depending on the family setting. The comparison of this in the traditional family is the existence of extended individuals. The traditional family setting comprises of more children, grandparents, parents and sometimes aunties and uncles. International families also differ in the roles played in the family. The modern international families present a working father and mother. Both their income help in the upkeep of the family. The father helps in the family chores and in the taking care of the children. The mother and father share equality in the roles presented in the family. The traditional family provides a different setting where the father financially provides for the family. The mother’s responsibility is in taking care of the house chores and in taking care of the children. The other difference is in the values of the family. The modern family values independence. They take matters into their own hands, working to secure responsibility of their actions. This transfers to their children making them independent. The traditional family values obedient values with the father being the main authority of the family. As a result, the children depend on the family. The families display many differences, but also have many similarities. Both families focus on the family’s happiness. The modern family ensures happiness through sharing responsibilities and promoting independence. The traditional family aims at pro tecting the family by ensuring followed authority. The analysis of the families will be in form of values, cultural aspects and relations. Values The interception of family values into the family extends to ensuring working within the set beliefs and standards. It comes with importance for international families to consider the difference in upbringing children. Values of a family help in the definition of beliefs and importance of family growth. The high series of staggering statistics indicate high rates of single mothers, divorce, and reduced child bearing statistics in black families. The difference between the white and black family has an achievement in terms of maintaining stability approach. The â€Å"black family† tales charge in urban centers experience incompleteness in urban centers. An analysis of a documentary, provides us with details pertaining the growth of the family in different views. The documentary follows up very well through on the two high school students, William Gates and Arthur Agree, as they went through with their education in their first year of college. The movie plays a superb role in th e film industry because it is used as a tool to demonstrate some of the social issues faced in the inner city life in the poor black neighborhood. The movie also portrays that it really takes a lot of support either from family, friends as well as a lot of self-motivation in order to encourage and achieve the kind of dreams that transform Arthur Agree’s life having to know the kind of harsh reality that they were facing already not knowing what lay ahead of them. This is seen in the movie as it entails the story of two high school students In Chicago who had a dream of becoming professional basketball players. The two African American teenagers; Arthur Agree and William Gate, studied in a white, Roman Catholic high school called St. Joseph High School in Westchester, Illinois after being recruited by the schools’ scout (Kalman 202). Cultural aspects Cultural aspects play a big role in bringing up children. Different families follow different cultural aspects. International families hold cultural values passed down from their ancestors. Despite the economic adversity, long hours commuting, change in environment and difficult training, Agree and Gates worked very hard to enhance their basketball skills despite the competitive industry in the job. Their families also played an important role in supporting them with the school basketball program. In the film, we get to see Americas’ present view of education, race, economic diversity, social class and values. William Gates of the two students is obsessed to play in the National Basketball Association. Four years down the line, William Gates progresses to the Nike All-America basketball camp. During the camp, one of the coaches, Mr. Lee, informs them that the only reason they were in the camp was to make their schools win and make a lot of money. At the camp, the college coach es tended to overlook high school players. Family relations differ in the procedures of solving neglect and in the advice of teenagers. In relating with other individuals, the life of children varies from the system followed at home and that of school (Mcbride 228). The description of the film shows the family as a social institution relating with the American community. For example in the case scenario where ‘coach Lee’ gives advice to Arthur Agree and William Gates that everything they were getting involved was at it about money and even quoted; â€Å"the whole thing is about money† and tried to explain how they were being used by the school so that it would win and make a lot of money. He even went to further to tell them that, the only way that people like them, people from the poor black neighborhood, would defend themselves as well as their interests from such situation, was through being aware of the fact that it was not just about playing basketball but everything was revolving around money (Mernissi 235). Arthur Agree lived with his parents who broke up but later made u and were back together after Arthur’s father had a drug problem (crack) but managed to get over it. They lived in the Cabrini-Green housing project, whereas; William Gates lived with his single mother and his older brother called Curtis who had missed his own basketball career in college but didn’t give up but rather invested his dreams in his younger brother William Gates. He had so much trust in his small brother such trust in his younger brother such that he even made a comment saying he does not see how the brother, William Gates was not going to make it through his career. Arthur Agree meets his hero in basketball, Isaiah Thomas, an NBA star when he visited St. Joseph High School. William is very excited and makes big smiles as he goes one on one with his favorite basketball star. Isaiah’s had been a student at St. Joseph High School. Arthur Agree and William Gate get temporary scholarships to St. Josephs High School because the school seemed to be a lifetime opportunity to prosper in the pro career in basketball. William and Arthur read at a fourth grade level. William finds a private sponsor to support him cater for the tuition share through St. Josephs high school after facing financial constraints. This only happens after William decides to improve on his reading level and fairing on well in the varsity basketball team. On the other hand, Arthur does not fair on well in his sports or academics. He has indecent behavior in class and gives an excuse that he has been around many white people though he was ready to adjust. Arthur’s coach, Coach Pingatore, sees this kind of behavior as a way of deteriorating to the influence of the new environment Arthur was in (Scheibner 213). Image and identity is differently laid in the public and private sector. The private aspect of the film concentrates on the main issues concerning smoking. Arthur, both in the private and public setting, does not show a difference in his opinion on smoking. His statements in the private setting of his company can be compared to while he is in public. It is controversial as in the real world; many people will have two different characters. In public, attributes of calmness, understanding, and action orientation will be portrayed, but in private, they will posses opposite attributes (MapXL 45). Relations Through relations international families build a strong relation with other individuals. The overall message outlaid by the film creates a basis for discussion. Various competing views are presented in the film. The flexible views strongly rely on the people who the message is targeted. The movie stats in favor of Arthurs views, as he is perceived to have more relevant opinions. Audiences love him, as he is able to justify his arguments, using statement that will draw the attention of crowds. Knowing well that most people relate to evil things, or bad lifestyles, he uses this aspect to support his views. The stable view is that smoking is going to be a continued aspect no matter the circumstances. It is clear that no matter how many talk shows are held on smoking, the tobacco industry will continue to have a reasonable number of customers. Some patients who have cancer due to smoking continue to hold their smoking habit with an attitude of nothing being able to change the circumstanc es faced. This aspect is unchangeable as control to every individual is difficult to attain (Kalman 202). Conclusion The structure of the family is an international basis comes from the diverse nature of the world. This is basic even in the simple family structure. The status, â€Å"nuclear family† does not give sense to our society as it once did. The change in the mode of family diverts to single parents as single parents raise more children. The growth of diverse families in terms of religion, race and ethnicity increases with globalization. The differences are common in the life of children, making it a comfort issue in the making of unique family decisions. Families are different, making it difficult to link the similarities and differences. Children are likely to compare their family situations with others making it viable for them to get lessons on appreciation. If you need custom essays for money dont hesitate to visit custom writing company now! Affordable prices start from $13/page. Professional writers will help you on any topic.

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