Friday, September 13, 2019

Analysis of Case Study for Skills and Knowledge - myassignmenthelp

The enablers of innovation mainly help in bringing the continuous stream of the innovation related strategies of the organizations. The innovation enablers help in the application of the skills, knowledge and the specific tools in the organizations. The five different types of enablers are discussed below, Introduction and change and the implementation of innovative ideas are sometimes difficult for the organizations. The driving forces of innovation can be described as the factors which help in the implementation of change in the organizations. The first driver of innovation in organizations is commoditization. This force relates to the pressure of driving the prices and the margins lower. The digital revolution in the external environment deals acts as a driving force for the changes to be implemented in the organizational processes. The advent of social media in the business world acts as a driver of innovation and helps in the creation of communities, sharing information and connecting the people instantly. Globalization is another major driver of the innovation in organizations. The levels of competition have increased due to the increase in the scope of business of the organizations. The high levels of competition further enable innovation and change implementation in the various organizations. The increasing turbulence in the business environment due to the changes in the economy and shift in the demographics acts as a driver of the innovation in the organization (Gupta and Barua 2016). The companies need to move in a faster pace to compete with the others in the market and improve their operations accordingly. The culture of the organization where change is to be implemented is also a driver of innovation. The enablers of innovation on the other hand are mainly related to the behaviour and the attitudes of the employees. The structure of the organization is a major enabler of innovation. The structure is mainly related to the hierarchy of the organization and the ways by which the instructions and directions related to change reach the employees. The skills of the employees of the organization play a major role in the implementation of change and innovative ideas (Rizos et al. 2016). The difference between the drivers and the enablers of innovation is that the drivers of innovation are mainly related to the factors of the organization and the external environment where it operates. On the other hand, the enablers of innovation are mainly related to the employees and the internal environment of the organization. The enablers mainly deal with the skills and the attitudes of the employees who are a major part of the entire change process (Hussein et al. 2016). The process of innovation in an organization is supported by various mechanisms which are discussed as follows, The organization which has been examined in the case study, namely, ACME, believed in the creation of innovative methods to perform business operations. The organization has a modern infrastructure and the research and development facility which is present in the company helps the employees in the process of thinking. The innovative ideas and nature of the employees are nurtured and encouraged by the management of the organization. The organization has been developing the research and development related facilities since the time of its establishment. The surplus revenues that are gained in the operations of the organization are invested in further developing the research and development related facilities. The owner of the organization also spends most of the time with the employees who are a part of the R & D team. 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