Friday, September 27, 2019

Contributions of Steve Jobs in the Business Field Research Paper

Contributions of Steve Jobs in the Business Field - Research Paper Example As a result, he has influenced many companies and business people as well as young entrepreneurs all over the world. He had a winning personal character that enabled him to achieve whatever he wanted. In addition, he was able to lead and manage his company with competency, which allowed him to be among the most successful Chief Executive Officers. Moreover, Jobs had a way of winning the confidence of customers and offer them satisfaction. He did this by being very innovative and ensuring his company produced new products regularly. This paper will discuss the contributions of Steve Jobs in the business field. It will discuss in detail his management style, innovative mind as well as his character. Introduction On February 24, 1955, two young graduate students gave birth to Steve Jobs in San Francisco. These two unmarried graduate students were an American and a Syrian. Jobs biological parents felt that they were not ready to take responsibility of taking care of the boy. They therefore resolved to put him for adoption. A couple in California, Paul and Clara Jobs adopted Steve and he considered them as his real and only parents (Gillam, 15). Life in California was not very easy and Steve grew in harsh conditions of lack and hustling. When he was through with his high school education, his parents struggled to raise his school fees. Jobs spent most of his time helping his father in his garage, where he developed affection for machines. Most people considered Steve jobs as a most important figure both in the computer and entertainment sectors. Jobs’ history in business made him to be a triumphant capitalist, highlighting the significance of design while understanding the crucial responsibility of novelty in making information and entertainment products more available in to the public. This means that Steve jobs contributed or played a major role in the business sector (Gershon, 366). In the late 1970s, both the electronic and the automobile industries in the United States were getting stiff competition from foreign companies. It was normal for the Americans to expect their businesses to flourish and prosper. Therefore, word spread all over the country regarding the college dropouts who fashioned the personal computer in a garage and established a fun, new company. Exaggerations of the story went on until Jobs grew in to a hero and became a computer whiz kid. This shows how Steve Jobs contributed to computer education hence making most people in the world to become computer literate (Aaseng, 118). Personal characters that made Jobs become a successful entrepreneur Many people deem that the character of Jobs was very contradicting. This is because on the positive side they see Jobs as a motivating and visionary person, who would not settle until he fulfills his dreams and visions. On the other hand, there are those who see him as a hard, aggressive and stern person, who rebukes his employees and overwork them. However, even though Jobs had a contradicting personality, this very personality triggered his outstanding success and made him a strong entrepreneur (Griffin, 430). While the CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs developed a strong character in sales and marketing that helped in successfully marketing the products of Apple. In addition, the visionary aspect of Jobs helped the world to develop a new understanding of the use of computers. In the past, it is evident that there was a common assert ion that the only people to use computers were professionals especially in data centers. As a result of this imitative, Jobs was able to sell make the public aware that computers have multiple uses. This regard, he influenced the business community by encouraging many prospective entrepreneurs to

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