Friday, December 6, 2019

Somalia Civil War-Free-Samples for

Questions: 1.What is the conflict? 2.Who are the parties? 3.How the conflict escalated ? 4.The resolution and how diplomacy acted? Answers: 1.The Reason behind the conflict There are several reasons that led to the conflict in Somalia which contributed in causing a war. Few most important among all reasons are: Political Cause: The government and the political scenario have played a crucial role in the enhancement of the Somalia conflict. Mohamed Siad barre being a general used the cop and assassinated the then president Sharmarke and came into power as a president this was a major cause of the conflict. Social Problems: All Somali belong to different clans and a conflict exists between them they are very concerned to know about which clan each of them belong to. Economy problems: Somali is a poor country with maximum people under poverty line there is a very low GDP rate which also contributes to the conflict. Resources are low and they compete to acquire them and a conflict is created. Literacy rate: Due to poverty the Somali people could not afford for being literate they supported guns instead of pens in solving problems. Though the scenario is changing now but at the earliest this was also the reason behind the conflict (Kanko and Cynthia). 2.The parties related to the cause of the conflict There are many parties which are directly or indirectly relation to the Somalia conflict few of them are as follows: The United Nations United States of America Organization of African Unity Inter-Governmental Authority on Development The European Commission These parties were involved in the creation of the conflicts in Somalia. Though they tried to bring the conflict at a level of negotiation but it was a short time effect and at the extreme position it enhanced the conflict more over (Kanko and Cynthia). 3.The way in which the whole conflict was escalated The conflict was escalated due to some reasons they are so vital that it is accelerated by a huge amount and the consequences became adverse. The different ways in which the whole conflict was increased are. Firstly, restoring the last peace proved elusive accelerated the conflict in Somalia. Secondly, the draught condition prevailing in Somalia has increased or added fuel to the increasing conflict. Thirdly, small area which is ruled by two different clans of Somalia people is also a reason behind the enhancement in the adverse situation. The Somalia also faced problems due to change in the political or government related hierarchy (Kanko and Cynthia). The change in the American government has also affected the conflict in an adverse way. No proper ways to reduce the conflict is being taken by the government and there is no reduction in the different clans which are prevailed in Somalia and these has enhanced the conflict. The Somalia peoples has definitely changed their way to revolt from guns to pens but the conflict is still in existence enhancing the effect of conflict and transforming to situations more adverse (Kanko and Cynthia). 4.The declaration and the way in which the negotiation acted The main problem that is needed to be solved is internal strife. To do this a important thing is required is to take steps regarding abolition of internal strife. The declaration made regarding this criteria was that it is impossible for the United Nation and the other communities working internationally to effectively as well as efficiently manage all conflicts in the African continents, this is only possible if the African continent can find indigenous solution to the prevailing problems. The OAU which is no longer functioning was limited to certain level in providing help to reduce the conflict in Somalia. On other hand the AU was effective in handling the conflict all together. The Au acts in accordance to the article 4 of the union act which is consecutive. It declares that third party intervention was a problem which relates to the increase in the conflict in Somalia. If these interventions are under control then it can have a vital effect in reducing the conflict continuously. Failed state is generally used as a term for those county whose state regarding political as well as economical scenario as well as political scenario is so week that that it is no longer in the control of the prevailing government (Kanko and Cynthia). This is the reason why proper differentiation between failed state as well as normal states with the basis being conflicts that are occurring. The reason behind each conflict is to be found out and solved. Lastly to keep the state hood of Somalia the government in Somalia should try in their own way to re-establish the points that Somalia has lost and failed to attain the position of being Statehood Reference Kanko, Cynthia F. "The Role Of Track One Diplomacy In Conflict Resolution: A Case Study Of The Somali Civil War, 1991 - 2000." N.p., 2018. Web. 26 Feb. 2018.

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