Thursday, August 8, 2019

Affirmative Action Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Affirmative Action - Essay Example Because of this, the execution debate of affirmative action has raged based on this policy principle on the people of America. America is against affirmative action as it is a form of reverse discrimination and goes against the very same principles for which it fights, meaning that, since affirmative action was created to fight for the rights of the people whose rights were violated, it continues to run and be applied, as well as implemented in modern times. Based on modern information on affirmative action, the threshold of implementing and meeting the margin between discrimination and integration has been crossed meaning that there is more integration and people who were once discriminated against now have equal opportunities. Implementation of affirmative action in modern times, therefore, is an act of discriminating against the people who discriminated against those who are now conducting the discrimination. As such, the argument is that it creates an unfair advantage for certain groups over others, which translates to it being a discriminatory action against certain groups, creating grounds for it to b e abolished and even done away with permanently. In addition, based on the same argument, the action or policy is a failure in terms of creating equal opportunities in the American society considering it only serves to counteract the gains made over many years in terms of protecting minority groups (Marklein). This can be seen in cases where minorities are discriminated where they are recognized by other members of society as having credible success as it is based on policies that go against the rest of the society by giving unfair advantages. Another argument against the same policy is based on the American constitution, where all individuals are subject to equal protection, which would then contradict the same policy of affirmative action. This is because the constitution calls for the protection of the rights of all Americans, which then

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