Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Choose the topic from given list Research Paper

Choose the topic from given list - Research Paper Example There seems to be a growing clamor for school uniforms in the public schools for some matter. One of the reasons presented by those supporting the unforms in public schools has to do with the cost of school clothing. One of the largest expenses that parents face in terms of the day to day needs of their high school aged children has to do with the clothes that they wear to school everyday. The increasing cost of ready to wear clothes and the desire of children to wear unique get-ups to school cost the parents a tidy sum of money every school year. By imposing a mandatory school uniform policy in our schools, the cost of education can be brought down for parents. This paper aims to present three reasons as to why we should support the clamor for uniforms in public schools , including the savings on cost of clothing that can be passed on to the parents, while also presentingsome of the reasons that some parents and students oppose the school uniform policy. One of the reasons that high school students give when asked why the support the school uniform policy is that they find it easier to simply wear the same clothes to school everyday. Although teenagers love to dress up and match their outfits for a day out, having to do that on a daily basis for school clothing becomes a nuisance for them. Thus school uniforms can actually help the kids get to school on time and the parents also get a few extra minutes everyday with which they can do other things in the process. Contrary to public belief, high school students do not enjoy being late for class. They also prefer to not have to think about what they will be wearing the next day to school. The reasoning is simple: It saves them from having to go out and buy clothes because a uniform can be sent to you. Decisions don’t have to be made because you wear the same outfit every day. All kids have to do is grab their uniform and you don’t have to worry if it matches or if it doesn’t match. (Whelan, B rittany â€Å"School Uniforms Save Money, Avoid Problems†) As anybody who ever attended high school knows, these students are judged by their peers at this level primary through first impressions. Those first impressions are first created by the clothes that a student wears to school. This need to dress in what a student believes to be an acceptable manner to his peers then ends up causing the student undue stress. Not everyone can afford to buy the latest trend in clothing and designer duds so in the case of such students, a school uniform will work best. School uniforms are also viewed as the great equalizer in many cases. Since students dress alike on campus, this can actually help to reduce the cases of bullying, intimidation, clothes thefts, and the like. The reason that uniforms work very well in lessening the violence students experience on campus is that when it becomes hard to look unique, the students tend to treat each other fairly. It is said that uniforms are the great equalizer because; â€Å"Schools are for students to learn and not for students to be threatened because of what they wear or are not wearing. Uniforms will help protect each student from crime and violence when at school.† (â€Å"Yes for School Uniforms†). Civilian school clothes that high school students wear to school can cost parents as much as over a thousand dollars in a year due to the constant need to change the clothes with

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