Saturday, August 24, 2019

Cross Culture Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Cross Culture Management - Case Study Example There is much emphasis on the flexible approaches especially to changing circumstances and the integration of the overall importance of the people in the attainment of any set objective. As such, the culture focusses on flexible systems of control and information sharing (Chen 2004, p. 200). The Indonesian working culture is also a being culture because of the values attached to career development and the styles of management. For instance, there is much concern for the vision or idea that a firm hopes to attain and that the attainment is not a result of planning, but because of shared vision among the concerned parties. The culture believes the best managers are those that share ideologies with the people and one that tunes the people to adapt to the changing working environment. The culture is a public one because of the focus it gives to group-oriented and authoritative forms of planning that center on relationships between the people in its context. The work culture in the Indonesian context is collectivism because of the focus it gives to the community approaches to work (Chen 2004, p. 178). There is much emphasis on the achievement of the goals and management of the collective attitudes to the all the people in the company framework. Therefore, collectivism is an approach that believes in the power of collective responsibilities in management. The culture is also a low-context culture because the planning is one that bases on more explicit and less detailed on instructions. The descriptions of the jobs are precise and simple to understand within the company context. The managers get their work done through establishing strong relationships with their juniors and consider that they cannot achieve much except by combined effort from the workers. The same culture is a future culture because a majority of the plans that the managers make focus on long-term ambitions

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